
Research Projects

Material and Fabrication Aware Shape Analysis and Modeling
Apr 18, 2016Author:
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Material and Fabrication Aware Shape Analysis and Modeling 


AbstractWith recent advances of fabrication technologies (3D printing, laser cutting), how to bring digital models back to the real world has gained popularity. Given an input model and a target fabrication material (e.g., determined by 3D printer), several approaches have been proposed to compute a close approximation of the model by taking into account different aspects of the material, such as cost, strength, etc. However, the intrinsic relationship between shape and fabrication material remains unexplored. In this work, we shall investigate several fundamental research topics that correlate shape and material towards real fabrication, including (1) how to automatically infer fabrication material from geometry; (2) how to synthesize shape subject to a target material context; (3) how to conjoin parts for fabrication; and (4) how to refine parts to validate the fabricated object. The technical innovations are (1) a set of novel geometric features encoding the underlying fabrication materials (2) a novel data-driven optimization framework for joint geometry and material analysis (3) a novel fabrication analysis and optimization framework. 


Keywords: shape analysis; geometric modeling; data driven; real fabrication; fabrication material 



YANG Yongliang 

E-mail: yongliang.yang@nlpr.ia.ac.cn 

National Laboratory of Pattern Recognition