


Brain Science and Artificial Intelligence Science and Technology Forum Held in Beijing
May 09, 2017Author:
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On May 8th, Brain Science and Artificial Intelligence Science and Technology Forum was held at the Conference Hall of the Academic Divisions of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) as the 64th Forum on Frontiers of Science and Technology. Prof. Muming Poo (CAS Foreign Member, Institute of Neuroscience, CAS), Prof. Tieniu Tan (CAS Member, Institute of Automation, CAS) co-Chaired the forum. Prof. Muming Poo, Prof. Tieniu Tan, Prof. Deyi Li (Academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering) and Prof. Sheng He (Institute of Biophysics, CAS) gave keynote speaks on the forum. Over 300 researchers from 130 institutions and universities attended. 


Hosted by Prof. Aike Guo (CAS Member), the morning session contained two speaks. Prof. Muming Poo’s presentation was about research on Brain Plasticity and Brain-inspired Intelligence. In his talk, Prof. Poo reviewed great discoveries in Brain Plasticity and speculated characters of neural network which next generation brain-liked neural network could learn from. Prof. Poo also introduced the development of Hebb Cell Assembly Hypothesis and its contribution to the design of artificial network’s computational model. In the last part of Prof. Poo’s talk, he discussed the important inspiration to further understanding mechanism of complicated human brain network brought by the development of AI.  


Prof. Sheng He’s talk was on the principle and inspiration of Human Visual Perception. In Prof. He’s talk, he discussed research on different characters and responsibilities of human visual system’s parallel pathways, interaction of feedforward and feedback signal, hierarchical structure of object recognition, formation of Expert System and functions of Perceptual Consciousness. Prof. He also talked on the operational principal of human brain which is valuable for the development of AI. 


During the first panel discussion hosted by Prof. Zuoren Wang (Institute of Neuroscience, CAS), researchers exchanged their ideas on how brain science could support the development of AI. 


The afternoon session was hosted by Prof. Bo Xu (Institute of Automation, CAS). Prof. Tieniu Tan’s talk was on Pattern Recognition inspired by Biology. In his presentation, Prof. Tan reviewed history and present of research on Pattern Recognition, compacted biological mechanism for Pattern Recognition, introduced research has been done in China and abroad and gave his expectation on future studies. 


Prof. Deyi Li’s presentation was on Turing Test on Self Driving. Prof. Li believes that the fundamental issue of Self Driving is not vehicle but human being. The core of Self Driving is to materialize driver’s cognition of uncertain driving environment in open condition. And to materialize driver’s perception and to decouple brain-liked functional module are the keys to develop brain for Self Driving as part of the Wheeled Mobile Robot. Turing Test based on driving will promote industrialization of Brain-inspired Intelligence and Self Driving Vehicles in China. 


As the last part of the forum, Prof. Chenglin Liu (Institute of Automation, CAS) leads attendees went through the second panel discussion focused on current situation and development of research on Brain-inspired Intelligence. 


Brain Science and AI are two frontier disciplines in 21st century. Recently, with the breakthrough in multi research fields, disciplinary crossing between Brain Science and AI has become a hotspot. Today’s forum focused on Brain Science and AI. Started with topics on how Brain Science is going to support AI’s development and development of Brain-inspired Intelligence, researchers had deep discussions on the current situation of these two disciplines. It will not only strengthen the crossing but also promote the development between the two disciplines. 


Forum on Frontiers of Science and Technology is a high level academic activity organized by the Academic Divisions and the Publication Committee of the CAS. It focuses on promoting development of scientific research, disciplinary crossing and international cooperation. 


The 64th Forum was undertaken by the Division of Information Technology, Division of Life Science and Medicine and the Academic and Publication Committee; jointly organized by the Institute of Automation, Institute of Neuroscience and the Science China Press. 

Prof. Muming Poo Gives Presentation

Prof. Sheng He Gives Presentation

First Panel Discussion

Prof. Aike Guo Hosts the Morning Session

Prof. Tieniu Tan Gives Presentation

Prof. Deyi Li Gives Presentation

Second Panel Discussion

Prof. Bo Xu Hosts the Afternoon Session