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Professor Ruwei Dai elected as IFAC Fellow
Jul 19, 2010Author:
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Recently, a letter has been received from Alberto Isidori, the president of International Federation of Automatic Control (IFAC), expressing his congratulation to Prof. Ruwei Dai, the president of Chinese Association of Automation (CAA), whom has just been elected as IFAC Fellow for the outstanding and extraordinary contributions in the field of interest.

International Federation of Automatic Control (IFAC), founded in 1957, is the worldwide organization dealing with Automatic Control theory, applications, education, and all of its technical and social implications. The membership of IFAC, based on the National Member Organizations (NMOs), provides a truly international participation, preserving the local customs in the development of its activities. Currently, it has members of 50 NMOs, among which CAA is the earliest initiator and one of the first NMOs. The IFAC Fellow Award, established in 2005, is given to persons who have made outstanding and extraordinary contributions in the field of interest of IFAC, in the role as an Engineer/Scientist, Technical Leader, or Educator. This Fellow Award ceremony will take place in the framework of the IFAC World Congress in Milan, Italy, by the end of August in 2011.