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Visit of French Minister of Higher Education and Research to LIAMA
Jul 12, 2010Author:
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MS. Valérie Pecresse, French Minister of Higher Education and Research, together with Mr. Herve Ladsous, Ambassador of France in China, visited LIAMA on Jul. 5th, 2010. Prof. WANG Feiyue,Deputy President of CASIA, attended the reception activity.

 Prof. WANG Feiyue gave a warm welcome speech for the visit of MS. Valérie Pecresse on behalf of CASIA. Then MS. Valérie Pecresse listened to an introduction of LIAMA, including the development history of LIAMA, current research projects, personnel exchange and academic exchange between China and France. MS. Valérie Pecresse gave full recognition of the development and cooperation achievement of LIAMA in its history of more than ten years. She said that she held beneficial talks with relative Chines Ministers during her stay, wishing LIAMA would perform more important roles in the cooperation in ICT as a key window of Sino-French technology cooperation. Then MS. Valérie Pecresse held talks with researchers and exchange students of LIAMA and other French researchers in Beijing. She asked them their research and life in China, explained policies on cooperation of French government and Chinese government in the area of education and research, and answered several questions of researchers.

Staff visited LIAMA with MS. Valérie Pecresse are, Francois Decoster, adviser in foreign matters, Jean-Marc Zakhia, adviser in news matters, Anthony Chaumuzea, Cultural Cooperation Counsellor of the French Ambassador, Robert Farhi, Deputy Counsellor Science and Technology of the French Ambassador, Alain Tournyol du Clos, Nuclear counselor of the French Ambassador, Jean-Francois Vergnaud, Commissioner of Higher Education Department of the French Ambassador.