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The 23rd IJCAI to be held in China
Jul 21, 2009Author:
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The 23rd International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI-13) was voted to be held in August, 2013, China, by the Presidential Panel of the Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence (AAAI) on July 15th, 2009, USA.

IJCAI, the top international conference in the field of Artificial Intelligence as well as a most important conference in the field of computer science and technology, has been held biennially since the year of 1969.

More than ten countries are applying to host IJCAI-13 this year. Five countries were selected to the final round through three rounds of evaluation and  fierce competition. Chinese team lead by Prof. WANG Feiyue succeeded finally and was authorized to host IJCAI-13.  This is the first time for IJCAI to come to China and CASIA  will be the organizer.