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Deep Channel-Correlation Network for Motor Imagery Decoding From the Same Limb
Apr 01, 2020Author:
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Motor imagery (MI) is an important brain-computer interface (BCI) paradigm, which can be applied without external stimulus. Imagining different joint movements from the same limb allows intuitive control of the outer devices. However, few researches focused on this field, and the decoding accuracy limited the applications for practical use. In this study, we aim to use deep learning methods to explore the ceiling of the decoding performance of three tasks: the resting state, the MI of right hand and right elbow. To represent the brain functional relationships, the correlation matrix that consists of correlation coefficients between electrodes (channels) was calculated as features. We proposed the Channel-Correlation Network to learn the overall representation among channels for classification. Ensemble learning was applied to integrate the output of multiple Channel-Correlation Networks. Our proposed method achieved the decoding accuracy of up to 87.03% in the 3-class scenario. The results demonstrated the effectiveness of deep learning method for decoding MI of different joints from the same limb and the potential of this fine paradigm to be applied in practice.
Ma, Xuelin; Qiu, Shuang; Wei, Wei; Wang, Shengpei; He, Huiguang
Published in
IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering ( Volume: 28 , Issue: 1 , Jan. 2020 )
297 - 306
Date of Publication
12 November 2019
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