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Automatic Group Activity Annotation for Mobile Videos
Dec 05, 2017Author:
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Title: Automatic Group Activity Annotation for Mobile Videos

 Authors: Zhao, CY; Wang, JQ; Li, JQ; Lu, HQ

 Author Full Names: Zhao, Chaoyang; Wang, Jinqiao; Li, Jianqiang; Lu, Hanqing

 Source: MULTIMEDIA SYSTEMS, 23 (6):667-677; SI 10.1007/s00530-016-0514-9 NOV 2017

 Language: English

 Abstract: Due to the rapid growth of modern mobile devices, users can capture a variety of videos at anytime and anywhere. The explosive growth of mobile videos brings about the difficulty and challenge on categorization and management. In this paper, we propose a novel approach to annotate group activities for mobile videos, which helps tag each person with an activity label, thus helping users efficiently manage the uploaded videos. To extract rich context information, we jointly model three co-existing cues including the activity duration time, individual action feature and the context information shared between person interactions. Then these appearances and context cues are modeled with a structure learning framework, which can be solved by inference with a greedy forward search. Moreover, we can infer group activity labels of all the persons together with their activity durations, especially for the situation with multiple group activities co-existing. Experimental results on mobile video dataset show that the proposed approach achieves outstanding results for group activity classification and annotation.

 ISSN: 0942-4962

 eISSN: 1432-1882

 IDS Number: FM8CV

 Unique ID: WOS:000415313700003

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