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Learning Discriminative Context Models for Concurrent Collective Activity Recognition
Jul 24, 2017Author:
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Title: Learning Discriminative Context Models for Concurrent Collective Activity Recognition

 Authors: Zhao, CY; Wang, JQ; Lu, HQ

 Author Full Names: Zhao, Chaoyang; Wang, Jinqiao; Lu, Hanqing

 Source: MULTIMEDIA TOOLS AND APPLICATIONS, 76 (5):7401-7420; 10.1007/s11042-016-3393-3 MAR 2017

 Language: English

 Abstract: Collective activity classification is the task to identify activities with multiple persons participation, which often involves the context information like person relationships and person interactions. Most existing approaches assume that all individuals in a single image share the same activity label. However, in many cases, multiple activities co-exist and serve as context cues for each other in real-world scenarios. Based on this observation, in this paper, a unified discriminative learning framework of multiple context models is proposed for concurrent collective activity recognition. Firstly, both the intra-class and inter-class behaviour interactions among persons in a scenario are considered. Besides, the scenario where activities happen also provides additional context information for recognizing specific collective activities. Finally, we jointly model the multiple context cues (intra-class, inter-class and global-context) with a max-margin leaning framework. A greedy forward search method is utilized to label the activities in the testing scenes. Experimental results demonstrate the superiority of our approach in activity recognition.

 ISSN: 1380-7501

 eISSN: 1573-7721

 IDS Number: EP3JK

 Unique ID: WOS:000397278400058

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