Title: Three-Dimensional Lenticular Display Synthetic Image Rendering Based on Light Field Acquisition
| Authors: Pei, RJ; Geng, Z; Ma, K; Zhang, M; Wang, R
| Author Full Names: Pei, Renjing; Geng, Zheng; Ma, Kui; Zhang, Mei; Wang, Rong
| Source: JOURNAL OF THE SOCIETY FOR INFORMATION DISPLAY, 25 (2):117-125; 10.1002/jsid.532 FEB 2017
| Language: English
| Abstract: Crosstalk is a critical defect affecting image quality in multiview lenticular 3D displays. Existing optimization methods require tedious computations and device-specific optical measurements, and results are often suboptimal. We propose a new method, on the basis of light field acquisition and optimization, for crosstalk reduction in super multiview displays. Theory and algorithms were developed, and experimental validation results showed superior performance.
| ISSN: 1071-0922
| eISSN: 1938-3657
| IDS Number: EV1YB
| Unique ID: WOS:000401546600007
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