Title: Shape Exploration of 3D Heterogeneous Models Based on Cages
| Authors: Meng, WL; Guo, JW; Bonaventura, X; Sbert, M; Zhang, XP
| Author Full Names: Meng, Weiliang; Guo, Jianwei; Bonaventura, Xavier; Sbert, Mateu; Zhang, Xiaopeng
| Source: MULTIMEDIA TOOLS AND APPLICATIONS, 76 (10):12369-12390; 10.1007/s11042-016-3642-5 MAY 2017
| Language: English
| Abstract: Shape exploration of 3D heterogeneous models is essential for special effects in 3D animation and games. As heterogeneous models have different numbers of vertices and different topological structures,the mapping between source and target model may be ambiguous for deformation transfer. We propose a new framework for heterogeneous model shape exploration based on cages, which provides a feasible and fast solution to this open problem. Using a public cage as an intermediate medium, the deformation of the source models can be denoted as the position changing of the cage. When applying the cage change to the target model, rough deformation transfer can be achieved. After an optimization and interpolation to generate the explored shape of the heterogeneous target model, animation can be acquired. Our method is not only suitable for triangle meshes, but also for quadrilateral meshes or any other type of meshes. We demonstrate the validity of our scheme by a series of shape exploration experiments with different models.
| ISSN: 1380-7501
| eISSN: 1573-7721
| IDS Number: EV7DS
| Unique ID: WOS:000401935200009
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